2nd Grade Art Session I (and warm up for future dates)

Line Directional Dance is the on going line based drawing project for 2nd grade. After our meet and greet and art talk all students received a rectangular piece of watercolor paper, a drawing pencil and a ruler. Using a series of verbal instructions and the ever popular Red Light stop/freeze, Green Light draw students created their own unique line based composition. This project is a great way to evaluate skill set, work with rulers and use hands on experiences to express the understanding of line direction, plus it allows for a lot of individual creativity within an art frame work. The students will later add color to these creations and develop them into more complex compositions but for now we just had a lot of joy in moving our dot around the paper!

Line work, drawn with pencil the Sharpie 

Each class had a different set of line/shape/direction instructions 

Here is an Art History-Inspiration Snap Shot: 

In session II and III students warmed up with this line project adding color and patterns/blending.We reviewed line direction and ruler skills as well.  They began to see connections to the Inspiration pieces. Vocabulary word of the day concentric circles!

You can really see how the project is developing, the colors make it POP!

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