2022-23 Welcome to Art (2.0)


Looking forward to a Great Year 
Welcome to our New School Year Phoebe Hearst 2.0 

I am looking forward to rolling out our Art Program by mid September with small drop by meet and greets to each classroom complete with an art story too!

Hope you had a lovely first day, isn't our new school mural spectacular?! 

Stay Safe, Stay Cool and Stay Arty...

See you soon,

Ms. Jane 

What a lovely way to start your School Day 

We are blooming with new ideas at Phoebe Hearst 

adding a few finishing touches to 
our art room wall mural 

Wrapping up 2021-22

 Well my dears that about wraps up another school year. It was a challenge to one and all but we did it together and that makes my heart glad. Enjoy your summer break and take time to rest, I know I will.

With much love and kindness,

Ms. Jane 

Assorted 5th and 6th grade projects

6th grade volcano project
 Wrapping up the 2nd half of the school year our upper grade students began to return to the Art Room for their studio sessions.

This was a joyful adjustment for one and all.

The Art Room is filled with so much Extra and I was glad we could gather there again.

By the end of the school year grades 3rd-6th were having all of their classes in the Art Room.

5th grade starry night city project 

Architecture and Imagination 

5th grade pastel galaxy project one day and done 

5th grade clay cartoon self portraits 

Classroom Inspiration 

6th grade Alma Thomas inspired color/dots 

6th grade model magic sugar skulls 

Dragon eyes the beginning 

set up for Dragon Eye project

Great job!

texture and detail